
The Successful Habits of the Rich™
3-Step Program

Empower yourself with the financial tools, life skills and mindset to help you obtain the financial freedom you deserve!

Our 3 Step program includes RichMoney, RichCredit, and RichWealth. Our program is perfect for individuals, couples and military families. Are looking to stop living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to fix your credit, eliminate debt, and accumulate wealth? Let us help you get started today.

Get Started Today!

Stop living paycheck to paycheck with RichMoney™! We help you set up a personal budget in 30 minutes or less and relieve a lifetime of money stress and worry.

Many people think they need to make more money, but once they set up their budget, in most cases they just need to make small changes in their spending habits.


Maximize your credit potential with RichCredit™! Government studies show as many as 1 in 4 Americans have errors on their credit reports.

In addition, many of the payments you make each month are missing from your credit file and you don’t even realize it. Items such as rent, insurance, utilities, daycare, etc. DO NOT get reported to the credit bureaus and are required by Federal Law to be considered when applying for a loan.

Eliminate debt & accumulate wealth with RichWealth™! Once your finances are in order and your credit maximized, we help you turn liabilities into assets!
